The Best Animated Disney Songs: 40-31

Hope you are having a wonderful summer! Here is another addition to our Animated Disney Song list. Once again, here is how we graded the songs. 40. “Part of Your World”, The Little Mermaid (1989) Me: The word iconic best describes this song. I recently tried to watch the live-action version of this song andContinue reading “The Best Animated Disney Songs: 40-31”

The Best Animated Disney Songs: 50-41

Hello yet again! This list is coming along pretty fast, which gives me more time to do things I love to do. Hope you enjoy! Yet again, here is how we graded the songs. 50. “You’ll Be in My Heart”, Tarzan (1999) Me: If it had been up to me, I would have put thisContinue reading “The Best Animated Disney Songs: 50-41”

The Best Animated Disney Songs: 60-51

Welcome back as we continue through our list of animated Disney songs! Here is a reminder of our criteria. 60. “You’re Welcome”, Moana (2016) Me: Children everywhere will scream “This song is way to low! How dare you!” To that, I say, sorry. I’m an adult and like other songs from Moana more. Anyway, ThisContinue reading “The Best Animated Disney Songs: 60-51”

The Best Animated Disney Songs: 70-61

Sorry for the three-day hiatus from this list! I was busy hiking in the mountains. We’ll continue where we left off. Keep in mind that these were the criteria we judged these songs on. 70. “Town Meeting”, Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) Me: I probably like the songs in this movie a bit too much. But,Continue reading “The Best Animated Disney Songs: 70-61”

The Best Animated Disney Songs: 80-71

Greetings once again! Let’s hop right into the next batch of animated Disney songs that miraculously made this list. Here is how we graded these songs: 80. “Thomas O’ Mally”, The Aristocats (1970) Me: This song has such character! Phil Harris is a great voice actor and brings so much charm to Thomas O’Malley inContinue reading “The Best Animated Disney Songs: 80-71”