The Best Animated Disney Songs: 50-41

Hello yet again! This list is coming along pretty fast, which gives me more time to do things I love to do. Hope you enjoy! Yet again, here is how we graded the songs.

  1. Overall Musicality- 30 points
  2. How Well the Visuals Enhance the Song-30 points
  3. Can the Song Hold Up Without Visuals? -10 points
  4. Personal Preference-10 points

50. “You’ll Be in My Heart”, Tarzan (1999)

Me: If it had been up to me, I would have put this song higher. Whether it is the shorter version sung during the film or Phil Collins’s extended version at the end of the film. I remember this song exploded when it came out in 1999 and am happy it’s gotten some recognition years later. It isn’t often there are songs like this, that focus more on maternal love rather than romantic love.

My Brother: I really like this song, it does what many films try to do using its maternal and loving themes to establish a connection between a mother and her adopted child. The singing is great and the visuals are simple but wholesome.

49. “Let It Go”, Frozen (2013)

Me: I know I said I didn’t like Frozen but I do admit this is a great song. Does it deserve over 3 billion views on YouTube? Yes, because it inspired many young kids who didn’t have the luxury of growing up in the 1990s during the Disney Renaissance. What stands out in this song for me is the visual storytelling. The lyrics are fine but lack clever wordplay for the most part.

My Brother: I hate how good this song is because it means I have to praise Frozen and I really don’t like Frozen. This song is well sung and well animated and frankly does not have much I can complain about other than how overplayed it has become. The only reason it is so low is because of the fact that me and Aubery don’t like Frozen and one of the criteria for the ranking is how much we like the song so while it is on this list for being well made it can stay right where it is at number 47.

48. “April Shower”, Bambi (1942)

Me: Bambi is a truly artistic masterpiece, but this was the only song I could think of that plays during the movie. I don’t know why I gravitated so much to this song during my childhood, but now as an adult, I find its instrumentation fascinating.

My Brother: Bambi is beautiful and all that but the thing that I remember the most from this film is this song. It has had such an impact on me that whenever it rains I sing this song to myself.

47. “Show Yourself”, Frozen 2 (2019)

Me: Fun fact, I’ve never actually seen this movie. It just hasn’t come up on my to-watch list in the last five years. Oh well. this song did pop up on my YouTube playlist and I loved the “Northern Lights” esque visuals. It seems like a duet between Elsa and her mother, which I thought was quite touching.

My Brother: Fun fact I have seen this movie and I like it less than the first Frozen so umm I like this song a lot. I literally only like two songs from this film and that is it, but I reallllly like those two songs. This is the first of the two and is a really well-preformed song with incredible vocals and fantastic visuals and I cannot praise it enough. The rest of the movie sucks but this song is great.

46. “Belle Note”, Lady and the Tramp (1955)

Me: I am so mad this song is so low, but I understand why. . . I guess. Lady and the Tramp is, as I said in “He’s a Tramp”, one of my favorite films and I love watching this scene on repeat. Its visuals and melody are simple but quite beautiful. It also has no business being so romantic.

My Brother: This song is romantic and very well performed and it truly deserves to be this high on the list. The only thing that drives it down is the very simplistic visuals that are often muddled or unrelated to the story and plot.

45. “Ratigan”, The Great Mouse Detective (1986)

Me: Talk about establishing character through music! Whether it is Glen Keane’s fantastic character work, or the sweeping bombastic side characters praising a narcissistic despot I don’t get tired of this song. Also, someone straight up gets murdered in a kid’s movie during this song. That is hardcore.

My Brother: This is such a great establishing scene for the villain of the film. It showcases his massive ego, his pride, his arrogance, and even his weaknesses. I wish people appreciated this song more than they do and my challenge to you is to watch the video for this song and truly appreciate the fantastic performance of one of Disney’s most neglected villains.

44. “Sally’s Song”, The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Me: Ah, the song all pining goth girls loved to sing when I was in high school. I believe Amy Lee from Evanescence stepped in for the updated popular artists’ version of this song. That also might have something to do with it. Joking aside, I think this song is quite sweet and has a beautiful ring to it.

My Brother: This song marked the beginning of the goth girl and the success of Hot Topic and honestly deserves all the love it has received. I love the emotion and personality shown by Sally and I really want her to find the love she is seeking from Jack by the end of the song.

43. “Why Should I Worry”, Oliver and Company (1988)

Me: Although other songs from Oliver and Company are also good, this is the only one I can confidently put on this list. With or without the visuals it is undeniably catchy and well written. (Against popular belief, Dan Hartman and Charlie Midnight were actually the ones who wrote the lyrics and music, while Billy Joel sang it for the movie.) I don’t ever skip this song when it comes up and like how well it establishes Dodger as a character.

My Brother: I can say what I love about this song with one sentence you ready here it is. I really really really really really like Billy Joel and he sings this song the end.

42. “Colors of the Wind”, Pocahontas (1995)

Me: I have this song memorized because I used to watch it on the VHS tape we had for The Lion King. If there is something Pocahontas has going for it it is its beautiful background animation and its wonderful soundtrack. This might just be the best-staged scene in the entire film. It also might be the reason so many girls my age wanted to be like Pocahontas. We all wanted her flowing black hair.

My Brother: I am a big hiker and whenever I am in the wild places of the world hiking a trail or at the top of a mountain I think of this song. The animation from the song is fantastic and the lyrics are wonderfully done and very thought-provoking. This is one of the best-staged scenes Disney has ever created and I think that the bad parts of Pocahontas are more than made up for by this stunning scene.

41. “Poor Jack”, The Nightmare Before Christmas

Me: Let’s talk about wrapping up a character’s development in a well-staged setting through music. Jack is no doubt the most interesting character in this movie and goes through the most change by the end of the movie. This song also has such great emotionality and body language.

My Brother: This is my second favorite song from this film and one that I can relate to and personally understand. It does such a great job showcasing Jack’s character development and his acceptance of who he is and his place in the world.

Thanks for reading! See you in the next post.

The Best Animated Disney Songs: 60-51


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