The Best Animated Disney Songs: 90-81

Welcome back to this long-awaited list of “the best” Disney songs! I’ll jump right back into it with a small reminder of how my brother scored them.

Here are the categories we graded the songs on!

  1. Overall Musicality- 30 points
  2. How Well the Visuals Enhance the Song-30 points
  3. Can the Song Hold Up Without Visuals? -10 points
  4. Personal Preference-10 points

90. “Shiny”, Moana (2016)

Me: I like most of this song, partially because I think Tamatoa is a lot like my brother Marty. I do think the chorus is rather MEH but this song has great buildup and establishes Tamatoa’s narcissistic personality. Visually, I think the best part of the song is when Tamatoa turns out the lights and starts glowing.

My Brother: I really like this song partially because Tamatoa seems like the type of guy I would hang out with. Apart from that I like the flow of the song even if the chorus is a bit stale at times and the visuals match the theme and mood of the song perfectly.

89. Waiting on a Miracle, Encanto (2021)

Me: For me, I am drawn to this song more for the feeling it gave me than its musicality. In the theater, it was at this moment, when Mirabel’s family unintentionally leaves her out that it struck me how similar her and my story are. I believe I saw this movie in theaters when I turned 31, one year after all my sisters gave birth. I felt intense pain knowing I didn’t fit into many of the stories my siblings were creating in their marriages. This is what makes a song great in my opinion. If it can make a personal connection with its audience THAT STRONG it becomes relevant.

My Brother: I think this song is powerful in its message and its themes. As a listener and a viewer, one cannot help but feel the loneliness and pain Mirabel is going through due to her outcast status in her family. The themes of the song hit like they should because Mirabel does not have a perfect voice and does not have a dramatic “I want” declaration she is just a normal young woman wishing that she could be a part of her family and respected as a person.

88. “Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws”, The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Me: This is probably my least favorite song from Nightmare Before Christmas and it still made it onto the list. My favorite shot in this song is before they start singing and it shows where they live. Stop Motion animation is so fascinating to pick apart, especially if you are like me and can see how great old films like The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) influenced this shot. Also, this song is overall visually clever and utilizes its runtime really well.

My Brother: I LOVE good Stop Motion animation and The Nightmare Before Christmas has incredible Stop Motion animation. As my sister said this is the weakest of the songs from that film, however, that does not mean it is bad by any means. I think that the simple visuals and the catchy vocals really portray how crazy and insane the kids are as well as showing the danger Santa is soon to be in.

87. “Just Can’t Wait To Be King”, The Lion King (1994)

Me: I would have put this song higher up on the list. It’s visually stunning, with its large variety of colors and patterns, and SUPER catchy to boot. As I kid, I thought it was so cool how the water changed color when Simba and Nala jumped in it. Elton John and Tim Rice really outdid themselves with this musical number and the animators showcased some GREAT animation.

My Brother: I am the reason this song is not higher you may now blame me but the fact remains that I don’t like this song very much. To put it simply I think it is annoying, I think that Simba sounds like a spoiled brat and that Nalla is his enabler. I don’t just have criticism for the song I do like the visuals and the colors that are used in the latter part of the song. I also like all of Zazoos lines and I acknowledge that the WORDS of the song are great Elton John does an incredible job in the songwriting. In the end though perhaps it is best to just say that I don’t like this song and although I might be stoned for not liking gasp two songs from The Lion King I just cannot get over the flaws that I see. Appreciate that the songs are good enough to be on the list at all despite my dislike for some of their qualities.

86. “Where You Are”, Moana (2016)

Me: This is probably the song from Moana that gets stuck in my head the most. I like how seamlessly it shows Moana growing up and battling her father’s desire for her to stay on the island. It is clear, she didn’t grow up a bad child, but one who felt she had a calling from a young age. The Polynesian dancing in this song is also really fun to watch.

My Brother: I remember when I saw Moana in theaters and after walking out of the theater I could not get this song out of my head for months. It plagues me still if think about this song the cycle begins again. I will say that it is a great song with wholesome visuals and catchy vocals. I think that it displays the duality of Moanas life very well. On the one side is her family and her village and on the other side is her longing for the sea and the calling she feels she needs to pursue.

85. “Know Who You Are”, Moana

Me: The best way to describe this song is SURREAL. It’s as if time stops as Moana steps towards Te Ka to return the heart. When I saw this movie for the first time, I felt chills run down my spine. I thought it was one of the most gorgeous shots in animation I’d ever seen. As for the song, it isn’t higher for me because it is so short.

My Brother: This is a perfectly crafted scene and is almost ethereal in its tone and themes. On the whole, I would give Moana an 8.5 out of 10 but this scene is a 10 out of 10 for me and is a great way to display how Moana has grown and become a better person. The only reason it is so low is that the song is so short that both me and Aubery couldn’t in good conscience put it any higher.

84. “121”, A Goody Movie (1995)

Me: Of all the songs from A Goofy Movie, this is my favorite. It is so 90s that it practically explodes in neon shapes on the screen. What I like most visually about this song is the contrast between the regular singer performing the musical number and Max and Goofy haphazardly trying to get on stage. The shot of Goofy walking in on that female performer and getting slapped reminded me of his older cartoons from the 1930s and 1940s.

My Brother: It is a good Michael Jackson song rip-off thing that screams the culture and attitude of the 90’s. I like how it is presented and it is by far the best song in the film.

83. “That’s What Friends Are For”, The Jungle Book (1967)

Me: This song is so interesting because it is a strange mashup between barbershop music and the Beatles. My favorite part of the song is when Sherkahn breaks out, “That’s what friends are for” and sings that deliciously low note that reverberates on screen.

My Brother: I have loved this song since I was a little kid, I would regularly try to sing as low as the tiger at the end and always fail. I think that this is one of the songs that motivated me to sing in choir and later be in musicals while in high school. In the end, most of my comments are for nostalgia’s sake but I will say that the barbershop Beatles mashup is quite clever and well-written and performed.

82. “Rescue Aide Society”, The Rescuers (1977)

Me: I can see people getting mad at seeing this song here. I don’t think people actually appreciate this movie too much, but I like watching it every once in a while. The scene that stuck out the most for me was this song. This song GETS STUCK IN MY HEAD on repeat if I accidentally listen to it. That isn’t too bad, considering how much I like watching the mice from around the world gathering together in their cute headquarters.

My Brother: This song being so high is solely due to nostalgia and a simple love for the cute mice from around the world all getting together to help a little girl who is in trouble. Yes, we did put this song above several songs from The Lion King and other amazing films but honestly, I do not care.

81. “Not In Nottingham”, Robin Hood (1973)

Me: Disney’s Robin Hood is severely underrated. This song in particular has a folksy melancholy that I naturally gravitate towards. Visually, it’s nothing too special but it matches the more somber tone the film had developed.

My Brother: I LOVE Robin Hood and I think that it is so underappreciated and honestly I think that it is the best film of the Silver Age of Disney. I think this song is great and has such emotional music and vocals that I really relate to as a listener. Please go watch this movie.

Thank you for reading! See you in the next segment.

The Best Animated Disney Songs: 100-91

The Best Animated Disney Songs: 90-81


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