My Favorite Movie Soundtracks (No Musical Numbers)

Hello, and thank you for checking into my blog! I’ve been in somewhat of a music mood for the past two months so I thought I’d do some music-related posts. For those who don’t know, music has been one of my passions since I was a child. I even studied opera in college before historyContinue reading “My Favorite Movie Soundtracks (No Musical Numbers)”

My Favorite Animated Scenes: 40-31

40. Peter Pan (1953)- Captain Hook, Shave and Crocodile Peter Pan has never really garnered that much prestige as a film. The highlight of the movie would have to be the character animation, especially for the side characters like Hook, Smee, Tinkerbell and the Lost Boys. This was actually the last film all of Disney’sContinue reading “My Favorite Animated Scenes: 40-31”

My Top 25 Favorite Animated Films Made between 2010-2019

Since another decade has gone by, I decided to look back on my favorite films from the last ten years. I will make several posts listing and talking about films throughout this decade, but for today it is all about my personal preferences. I used to be a hardcore critic, but life has mellowed meContinue reading “My Top 25 Favorite Animated Films Made between 2010-2019”