Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I’d Like to Go to a Cafe With

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018. I found this post on TheGeekishBurnette and you should check out this blog if you are a big fan of book reviews and lists. This week’s prompt was “Characters I’d Like to go on Vacation With”Continue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I’d Like to Go to a Cafe With”

What Have I Been Up To? April 2024

Hello to all who read this! I hope you’re having a great day. I’ll just be going over some books, films, and comics I read/watched last month. As always, this is how I rate things. Movies Wish (2023), 5/10 Drum roll. . . the review many of my students, friends, and family have wanted. And.Continue reading “What Have I Been Up To? April 2024”

What Have I Been up To? March 2024

For the first time ever, I am releasing this early. So, although it’s only been a few days since my last post, I am happy to admit I was on top of things this month. This is the way I rate things. Movies Kung Fu Panda 4 (2024) 6.5/10 So, I had no clue thisContinue reading “What Have I Been up To? March 2024”