Top Ten Tuesday: Non-fiction Books that Fed My Soul

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. I found this post on TheGeekishBurnette and you should check out this blog if you are a big fan of book reviews and lists. This week is a Freebie so I decided to focusContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Non-fiction Books that Fed My Soul”

Mindful Living: What Triggers Stress and Anxiety?

While listening to my morning meditation on Wake Up, Wind Down, the narrator Niall Breslin asked everyone to think of things that trigger stress. I wondered what good that could possibly do, but realized it is beneficial to understand what things can negatively impact us. This isn’t so we can avoid stress per se, butContinue reading “Mindful Living: What Triggers Stress and Anxiety?”

Mindful Living: Taking Pleasure in the Simple Things

I’m chilling in a hotel room at Ten thousand Waves near Santa Fe, NM and a thought suddenly pinged into my head. Most of the great things in life that bring me happiness are extraordinarily simple. Although I battled and conquered a migraine this evening, today has been a wonderful example of how simple, beautifulContinue reading “Mindful Living: Taking Pleasure in the Simple Things”

Top Ten Tuesday: Amazing Books That Would Make Great Movies/TV Shows

I’m a sucker for lists and decided to every once in awhile take part in the Top Ten Tuesday lists. (Sorry it’s Wednesday). Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018. I found this post on TheGeekishBurnette and you should check outContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Amazing Books That Would Make Great Movies/TV Shows”

What Have I Been up To? March 2024

For the first time ever, I am releasing this early. So, although it’s only been a few days since my last post, I am happy to admit I was on top of things this month. This is the way I rate things. Movies Kung Fu Panda 4 (2024) 6.5/10 So, I had no clue thisContinue reading “What Have I Been up To? March 2024”