It Was Love at First Sight: Animated Movies I Instantly Fell For

I fell in love with many of my favorite movies instantly the first time I watched them. Some have stayed my favorites, while others have fallen a bit into obscurity since then. Regardless, it should be fun to take a look back at many of the movies that shifted my world.

To make this a bit more engaging, I’ll answer these questions for each film:

  1. How old was I when I watched it for the first time?
  2. What would I have given it at that time?
  3. What would I give it now?

My Neighbor Totoro (1988)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

Goodness, I was probably 6 or 7 years old when I watched this for the first time. My mom loved buying obscure animated movies for us and found this on VHS. This isn’t the Disney dub. It was the FOX dub with the screaming children. I didn’t really care about that. I just loved it to death. One day, the VHS tape disappeared and I feared I would never find it again. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case, and I bought the DVD when I was about 19.

What would I have given it at that time? 10/10

My childhood wonder came alive watching this movie. You can’t beat that. Kids don’t care about all the nitpicky things adults do.

What would I give it now? Normally. . . 10/10

I still love this movie. I’ve never quite grown out of my love for Totoro as a character and sometimes buy little things to remind me of him. What I really enjoy is showing this to little kids for the first time. Their eyes light up!

Howls Moving Castle (2004)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was 16 when I saw this on a laptop computer in Cloudcroft, NM. I probably watched it six times in a row and fell deeply in love with the visuals, music, and characters (mostly Howl because I was a teenager).

What would I have given it at that time? 12/10

I named this my favorite movie of all time for YEARS after watching it. I stood by it even if some critics bashed it. (Thinking about there actually weren’t that many who did. . . huh).

What would I give it now? 10/10 (If I wasn’t biased, probably an 8.5/10)

I still love it. Sorry, but not sorry. This movie has a certain type of magic for me I haven’t grown out of even after 16 years.

The Wind Rises (2013)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was 22 when I saw this for the first time. I remember sitting in my college dorm in Rexburg, Idaho, and pulling it up on my computer. I was furious because no theaters near me were showing it. (It was all political. Literally. Look it up.)

This film touched me to my core and quickly became my favorite Hayao Miyazaki film.

What would I have given it at that time? Infinity/10

I fell so hard for this movie that it isn’t even funny. The Oscars that year made me so mad because Frozen (2013) won instead with a panel of judges who did not even WATCH the film. (So frustrating). Since then, I’ve given up on the Oscars and paying attention to what critics say.

What would I give it now? 10/10

When I try and choose my favorite film, this usually ties with Beauty and the Beast (1991) and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003). So. . . of course I think it’s a beautiful and fantastic film still!

Only Yesterday (1991)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was 29 when I saw this for the first time and I was pleasantly surprised with how wonderful it was. I was going through a rough time that year and I felt much like the main character my life was transforming again. I don’t usually watch this movie with other people, because most don’t have the same reaction to it as me.

What would I have given it at that time? 8/10

Although I loved it at first watch, I wouldn’t have said this is one of my FAVORITE movies. If you haven’t noticed, I’m more of a Hayao Miyazaki fan than an Isao Takahata fan.

What would I give it now? 9/10

I admit this film isn’t for everyone and I think it wasn’t as spectacular as other animated films I’ve watched. However, I go back to this film whenever I feel I’m stuck in a rut mentally or emotionally.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was probably 6. My parents were shocked at how much I loved this movie, although I had shown signs before that I liked these types of films. (I’m looking at you Pinnochio (1940) and “Night on Bald Mountain” from Fantasia (1940) ). As a child, I was really drawn to Quasimodo as a character. My little empathetic heart wished she could jump into the movie at tell him I would love him.

When I was 14, I fell in love with Febus for some reason. Still don’t quite know how that happened. . . I also was intrigued by how boldly this movie spoke out against prejudice, racism, lust, and abuse of power.

At 21 I bought the art book for this film and tore this movie apart from the ground up. “Hellfire” quickly became one of my favorite film sequences of all time.

What would I have given it at that time? 8/10

This was a film I instantly loved but didn’t go out of my way to watch very often. In my little mind, it was a beautiful treat I indulged in every once in a while while I watched The Lion King (1994) and My Neighbor Totoro (1988) on repeat.

What would I give it now? 10/10

I’m a firm believer that films don’t need to be without flaws to be masterpieces. There is no such thing as a perfect piece of art (Sorry Michelangelo. You tried so hard.) That said, whatever qualms people have against this movie, I don’t think they undermine the fundamental lessons it taught me as a child and how it intellectually and spiritually stimulated me for much of my adult life.

The Lion King (1994)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was a young whipper snapper of 3 when I saw this for the first time. (Time flies doesn’t it?) I think my mom said I watched this every day until I was 6 or 7. That’s pretty impressive. I think I was so drawn to this film because of Simba and Mufasa’s relationship. The scene where Mufasa appears before his son in the clouds and admonishes him to “Remember who you are.” taught me two important lessons.

  1. Mufasa wasn’t truly dead. He was still watching over his family in heaven.
  2. Simba needed to rise up and become the king he’d forgotten he was.

As I grew older, I’m afraid this movie and I drew apart for a time. Thankfully, we’ve reconciled since then.

What would I have given it at that time? 10/10

What can I say? It was a movie I’d seen HUNDREDS of times. Of course, I’d think it was a masterpiece.

What would I give it now? 10/10

I’d still give this a perfect score. Maybe it has some flaws. . . somewhere. . . but it honestly doesn’t matter. I can’t think of any, but maybe Woke Disney could point some of them out in their new “live-action” garbage film. (Sorry, I’m still bitter about that).

Anyway, this film is a masterclass of immersive storytelling and it’s still surprising me after all these years.

Anastasia (1997)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was 7 and for the first time ever had a princess I wanted to become when I grew up. I’m not kidding. I didn’t care about the Disney princesses that much. However, when Anastasia came out, I wanted her doll, hair, dress, journal, brush, etc. I sang “Once Upon a December” on repeat and memorized all the songs in the soundtrack.

This was my first exposure to Russia and I studied the Romanov family history for YEARS after this film came out.

What would I have given it at that time? 8.5/10

I was in love with many elements of this movie but didn’t like everything. The fact Rasputin was falling apart and rotting was not fun for me. I thought he was GROSS.

What would I give it now? 9/10

This film is messy in places, but it has so much nostalgia for me I don’t really notice. I like watching it in Winter, and it’s especially fun to watch in Russian now that I speak the language.

The Incredibles (2004)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was 14 and slowly but surely becoming obsessed with every Pixar film. coming out in theaters. Although I definitely enjoy others like A Bugs Life (1998) and Finding Nemo (2003), this is the first one I specifically remember loving from the very beginning.

What would I have given it at that time? 9/10

This wasn’t one of my all-time favorite movies, but I got super excited about watching it whenever it came on. It was deliciously quotable after all.

What would I give it now? 10/10

This film is even more enjoyable to watch as an adult. The subtle nuances between Bob and Helen, the masterful buildup to the climax, the amazing locations, the gorgeous soundtrack by Michael Giacomo, and the brilliantly staged villain are just some of the amazing aspects of this movie.

Up (2009)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was 18, sitting in the movie theater with my brother Spencer while he courted his now wife, who worked at the movie theater. I don’t know exactly what I was expecting when I started watching it, but it certainly captured my attention from the beginning. “Married Life” brought me and my brother to tears and I remember leaving the theater, thinking “I just saw something amazing today.”

What would I have given it at that time? 10/10

I was super excited when Up was not only nominated for the Oscar in the Animated Film category but also the Best Picture of the Year category. I knew it wouldn’t win. . . . because animated films never win. . . . that’s another story, for another time.

I honestly thought this was a perfect movie.

What would I give it now? 8.5/10

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve seen this movie, but I don’t think it’s as good as I did before. I still think the scenes centered on Mr. Frederickson’s wife and him are 10/10, but the rest isn’t quite as enchanting.

Prince of Egypt (1998)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was 8 years old and excited because my Grandma Engler from New York had given us the VHS as a gift. I don’t think I fully understood WHY it was good. But as I grew older I used to listen to all the songs on repeat. This might be one of the few movie soundtracks I NEVER get tired of.

What would I have given it at that time? 8/10

This movie didn’t become one of my favorites until I was in my late teens. Until then, I watched it occasionally and remarked on the music a lot in mixed company.

What would I give it now? 10/10

This movie is incredibly well-animated, paced, and voice-acted. Ridiculously so. Though I am not the biggest fan of Jeffrey Katzenberg, at least his little rebellion led to this glorious film!

Song of the Sea (2014)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was 26 when I saw this on my old laptop in my parent’s house in Eunice, NM. This is one of the most profound films I have ever seen. I felt like it transported me into a magical fairy world that was emotionally raw and beautiful.

What would I have given it at that time? 10/10

Hands down, I thought this was a masterpiece. There was no question in my mind it could be anything otherwise.

What would I give it now? 10/10

My opinion hasn’t changed.

The Secret of Kells (2009)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was probably 21 when I saw this in my first apartment in Rexburg, Idaho. I remember drinking mint tea made from leaves I found on the riverbank while it rained. As such, this was an ethereal experience for me and I loved how deliciously IRISH it was. My Irish blood screamed out, “Where have you been all my life?”

What would I have given it at that time? 10/10

I was dumbfounded more people didn’t know about this movie. Then again, 2009 was a CRAZY good year. So many great animated films theatrically released that year including The Princess and the Frog, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Ponyo, Up, and Coraline. Secret of Kells was produced by an independent foreign studio, so it wouldn’t have as good of publicity.

What would I give it now? 9.5/10

I have one qualm with this movie. I wish it was LONGER. That’s it.

The Princess and the Frog (2009)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was a spunky 19-year-old college student and I thought Naveen was the sexiest, dreamiest hunk of a man ever put on screen. That isn’t a joke. Besides that, I REALLY liked the soundtrack and purchased the CD for it the minute it was available. Same with the DVD.

What would I have given it at that time? INFINITY/10 #I love you Prince Naveen and I want to marry you someday.

Besides Naveen, I LOVED “Friends on the Other Side” and thought Keith David had one of the best voices I’d ever hear.

What would I give it now? 8/10

I think the animation is gorgeous, the soundtrack super catchy (Besides “Take You Down”), and the story is all-around enjoyable to this day. It isn’t my favorite film anymore and I’m afraid my initial obsession with Prince Naveen might have been a little misguided.

Spiderman Into the Spiderverse/ Spiderman Across the Spiderverse (2018/2023)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

For the first film, I was 28 and for the second film, I was 32. I watched Into the Spiderverse four times in a row, drinking in everything possibly could. I watched Across the Spiderverse three times in theaters and studied it in layers. If you can’t tell, these films were like a beautiful full-course meal for me.

What would I have given it at that time? 10/10

What else could I give them? These are two of the best movies I’ve EVER SEEN.

What would I give it now? 10/10

Since these are still new, my opinions had very little time to change.

Hotarobu no Mori e (2011)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

Oh goodness, I probably was 22. Fun story, I actually saw an AMV for it and broke down in tears. I wasn’t quite sure WHY that had happened, but I looked for the film nonetheless and broke down in tears AGAIN. It is a heartbreaking story, but I’m glad I saw it.

What would I have given it at that time? 9/10

This wasn’t really a film I could see myself watching multiple times. Besides the fact that I didn’t want to cry all the time, I also didn’t want it to lose its emotional resonance.

What would I give it now? 9/10

My opinion still stands to this day. I sometimes watch it, but it is a rare treat for me; a reminder of what true love CAN look like.

Children of the Sea (2019)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was 30 when I saw it at my house in Batavia, NY. When I saw the trailer, I purposefully separated myself from the rest of my family to watch it alone. That is the kind of movie this is. I understand why a lot of people wouldn’t like this movie. I wouldn’t say you should watch it for the story as much as you should watch it for a FEELING.

What would I have given it at that time? 8.5/10

The movie isn’t perfect, but I had a wonderful experience watching it. I reveled in its colors and ideas and wondered what it would be like to switch places with the main girl and have a good look at the universe in a microscopic and cosmic way.

What would I give it now? ???/10

I actually don’t know. I have only seen this movie once, but plan to look at it again sometime in the future.

Metropolis (2001)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was 21 years old, and once again in my first apartment in Rexburg Idaho. I didn’t expect much from this movie. I saw an AMV for it on YouTube and thought, “What the heck! I’m bored. Let’s watch it.” When I finished the film I IMMEDIATELY bought the DVD online (although I was a poor college student) and couldn’t get it out of my head.

What would I have given it at that time? 10/10

I thought it was on par with many of Hayao Miyazaki’s films. I listened to its soundtrack on repeat and might have looked at one too many pieces of fan art for the movie.

What would I give it now? 8.5/10

Although this is still one of my favorite films, (I even like it more than the original Metropolis (1927) ) I do think it has some problems here and there with the CG animation. I don’t really care about them though. I love introducing this movie to Sci-Fi fans and hope it gets more recognition in the future as a masterclass of animation.

A Silent Voice (2016)

How old was I when I watched it for the first time?

I was probably 29. I don’t really remember the exact moment I saw this movie, but the feeling I had still remains. I’ve always been drawn to emotionally charged stories like this one, especially when it pertains to those who are deaf or mute. I want more people to talk about the declining mental health among the young and the sheer amount of suicide attempts worldwide.

What would I have given it at that time? 8/10

Although I loved it, I also was somewhat obsessed with other films like Into the Spiderverse so I put it to the side, without thinking too much about it. Which is a shame!

What would I give it now? 9/10

This movie has GREAT camera work and lighting. I also, upon rewatching it, loved the two main characters even more and empathized with their struggles with belonging. Bullying is such a terrible problem to this day and it’s important to remember it didn’t go away just because people talked about it more in a few years ago.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope to see you against soon!

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