My Favorite Movie Soundtracks (No Musical Numbers)

Hello, and thank you for checking into my blog! I’ve been in somewhat of a music mood for the past two months so I thought I’d do some music-related posts. For those who don’t know, music has been one of my passions since I was a child. I even studied opera in college before historyContinue reading “My Favorite Movie Soundtracks (No Musical Numbers)”

A Somewhat Review of Little Women (2019), 4/4

Rather than criticize things I watch and read, I want to reflect and write about my overall experiences with them using a system I’ve adopted over the years. The questions I usually ask myself are these: What did I learn? How did I feel? How did it enlighten my mind? If you are interested inContinue reading “A Somewhat Review of Little Women (2019), 4/4”

Thoughts on Human Experience: Revisiting Hayao Miyazaki’s “The Wind Rises”

Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you: But when the leaves hang trembling, the wind is passing through.- Christina Rossetti, 1830 – 1894 Yesterday, my friend Erica and I watched Hayao Miyazaki’s The Wind Rises (2013). For the last five years, it has remained one of my favorites and each time I seeContinue reading “Thoughts on Human Experience: Revisiting Hayao Miyazaki’s “The Wind Rises””

The Idea of Game of Thrones: The value we give to truth

Visual media has a way of permeating and changing us subliminally, like any of the arts and letters, but on a more extreme level. Visual narratives naturally pair with music and philosophy and help audiences bond with characters that inspire dreams and ideas. What entertains us changes us and, if we allow it, it shiftsContinue reading “The Idea of Game of Thrones: The value we give to truth”

My Favorite Movies: 10-1

There is a small problem with this list. I have no idea what order these movies are in. I just cannot trust myself to put these into a concrete position. If you have followed my blog before, many of the movies you will recognize. For those, I will keep my comments a little shorter andContinue reading “My Favorite Movies: 10-1”