It Was Love at First Sight: Animated Movies I Instantly Fell For

I fell in love with many of my favorite movies instantly the first time I watched them. Some have stayed my favorites, while others have fallen a bit into obscurity since then. Regardless, it should be fun to take a look back at many of the movies that shifted my world. To make this aContinue reading “It Was Love at First Sight: Animated Movies I Instantly Fell For”

My Favorite Movies of All Time (2022), 10-1

The last part of my favorite movies list is incredibly tricky. Even now as I look through my choices I don’t know for certain if I chose correctly. But, for the sake of time, I’ll leave them as they are. That being said, these top ten films will most likely fluctuate many, many times inContinue reading “My Favorite Movies of All Time (2022), 10-1”

My Favorite Movie Soundtracks (No Musical Numbers)

Hello, and thank you for checking into my blog! I’ve been in somewhat of a music mood for the past two months so I thought I’d do some music-related posts. For those who don’t know, music has been one of my passions since I was a child. I even studied opera in college before historyContinue reading “My Favorite Movie Soundtracks (No Musical Numbers)”

My Favorite Animated Scenes: 10-1

10. The Wind Rises (2013)- Running to Naoko The Wind Rises is one of my favorite Hayao Miyazaki films. I won’t say too much about it since I’ve reviewed and analyzed it to death. I couldn’t decide which part of the movie I loved the best until I went back over my review from 2014.  There is oneContinue reading “My Favorite Animated Scenes: 10-1”

My Top 25 Favorite Animated Films Made between 2010-2019

Since another decade has gone by, I decided to look back on my favorite films from the last ten years. I will make several posts listing and talking about films throughout this decade, but for today it is all about my personal preferences. I used to be a hardcore critic, but life has mellowed meContinue reading “My Top 25 Favorite Animated Films Made between 2010-2019”